Any time I have to edit something in a different DAW it feels clunky, slow and imprecise.

That's what I thought 20 years ago and my opinion hasn't changed. This will sound like hyperbole, but simply put, the Montage window is hands-down the best audio editing environment I've ever encountered. I spend about 98% of my time in the Montage window, so let's talk about that for a bit.

You can work on a single audio file in the Audio Editor window, or you can work with multitrack files in the Audio Montage window. It's really intended for use in mastering, broadcast, and post-production. WaveLab has always been different from most other DAWs in that it's not meant to be a multitrack recorder like Pro Tools or Reaper, etc.

It feels super stable, mature, and is just a pleasure to work with every day. Now, v9.5 adds yet more improvements and new features. Eventually, I made the switch to v8.5, and it was alright, but definitely didn't run as smoothly for me as v6.įortunately, with v9, WaveLab creator Philippe Goutier ironed out all the kinks and restored the interface to the previous version's format (with some nice updates), and all WaveLab users rejoiced. it was somewhat problematic, so I stuck with v6 for years past its sell-by date because it worked so well for me. With WaveLab 7, it was ported to Mac, and the GUI was changed, and well. It was sleek, easy to use, and really stable. WaveLab 6 was a fantastic piece of software. But of course, I need to think about it in order to write this, so for you, dear readers, I will do my best. It's so ingrained in my life that I don't even think about it anymore. I've spent most of the last 20 years sitting in front of a pair of speakers and staring at WaveLab. I was already a veteran user of this mastering suite at that point, and back then I said, "Writing about WaveLab is like writing a review of my brain." So now, 11 years later, writing about WaveLab 9.5 is like trying to describe my DNA! It's difficult. Longtime readers with amazing memories may recall my review of WaveLab 6.